I went to my first Upper Cervical training in 2016 with Dr Shawn Dill, Dr Lacey Book and Dr Bill Moss, called The Art of the Specific, and it changed my world.

What they shared during that first day - about the anatomy, physiology and neurology of the upper neck area, the brainstem and how our nervous system works made complete sense.

I knew deeply in that moment that there was something I could do to help myself and others on a much deeper level than I had been up until that point.

The upper cervical spine (the top of our neck) houses what's akin to the fusebox of our body. When we ensure that all the switches are turned on in our body’s fusebox it means that our bodies can move out of any survival patterns and into fully functioning, fully adapting and fully thriving. Such a tiny, but important area of our bodies can have a huge impact globally on our health, healing and wellbeing.

I immediately got myself under the care of several Upper Cervical Chiropractors in the USA and within the first five months, I had had only a couple of headaches and one migraine; a HUGE change to my life from the constant headaches & migraines I was experiencing before.

My recurring back pain and the constant feeling that I ‘just needed to be cracked’ completely disappeared.

Not only that but I felt more myself that I had in such a long time - more connected, calm and just generally ‘me.’

This further fuelled my drive to be one of the small group of people trained in Upper Cervical Chiropractic care in Europe and dedicate my work to focusing on the brain stem and nervous system.

I was fortunate enough to be mentored and taught by Dr Bill Moss, who also helped me open the first Upper Cervical focused office in Barcelona. 

Today, I am proud to offer Upper Cervical care, alongside my twelve years of experience of general Chiropractic and nervous system care, to my community in Barcelona and those that travel from across Europe to see us at KOEO.

Hi, I’m Sophie Anderson

Founder and Upper Cervical Chiropractor at KOEO

When I was in the process of moving to Barcelona in 2016, I was suffering almost daily headaches, twice monthly migraines and a whole plethora of other body pains and symptoms that just screamed my whole being was out of balance. 

I had near constant neck, shoulder and low back pain, sciatica that was on and off, my digestion was all over the place. I didn’t feel like myself at all and it was horrible.

This felt like the biggest F-you ever seeing as I had been a Chiropractor for six years already in London, and I did all the ‘right’ things according to what I had learnt:

  • Got myself checked by a Chiropractor regularly which reduced my pain and headaches for about a week before they returned

  • Had regular massages that relieved my muscle tension for at most a few days before it returned

  • Did yoga to stretch out but still felt tight and sore regularly

  • Ate healthy but often had irregular digestion even when eating ‘clean’

  • Tried to get enough sleep although that wasn't easy most nights just due to the fact I couldn't even fall asleep for hours!

  • And all the other self-care type stuff like journaling and meditation (albeit sporadically)

I felt miserable that my body wasn't working in the way I knew it could. I’d seen the power of Chiropractic care in so many people over those first six years of my career. Why wasn’t I changing or healing? Why did I feel like I was just yo-yoing back and forth?

At that time I was working as a Locum - covering Chiropractors’ offices across the UK so they could have a well-earned holiday.

I dedicated myself to Locum work in order to experience as many different ways as possible of doing Chiropractic.

It also meant I was able to spend my spare time travelling to visit and learn from Chiropractors at conferences and in their offices in the USA, Australia and across Europe. 

I kept hearing about a special branch of Chiropractic called Upper Cervical. I was being told ‘miracle’ stories about people who’d had chronic or life altering conditions being helped by upper cervical adjustments (a very specific type of adjustment made to one of the superior bones in the neck which house our brainstem). 

I was intrigued, not just for myself but also for my clients.

Why hadn’t I been trained in this during my five year extremely intense Chiropractic degree?