Exploring the Benefits of Visiting an Upper Cervical Chiropractor

When it comes to holistic healing and improving quality of life, chiropractic care has gained significant popularity in recent years. Chiropractors are healthcare professionals, who specialise in the central nervous system and musculoskeletal system.

All Chiropractors undertake 5-7 years of specialised university level training, depending on which country they study their degree in. In many countries around the world they are regarded as primary healthcare providers, which means they are obliged to meet specific requirements in order to be registered with their professional body and must complete ongoing professional development.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Across the Globe

Among the various chiropractic techniques available, one approach that has gained attention for its specific approach with a powerful impact on the whole body health and healing, is Upper Cervical Chiropractic care.

This is widely available in the USA, and is growing in popularity across Europe. At the time of writing this blog (2023) there are approximately 25 upper cervical chiropractors in Europe. Sophie Anderson at KOEO Upper Cervical Chiropractic is proud to be the only provider of upper cervical chiropractic in Barcelona at present.

In this blog post, we explore the benefits of visiting an Upper Cervical Chiropractor and how this specialized form of chiropractic care can improve your overall well-being.

Understanding Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Upper cervical chiropractic care is a specialized branch within chiropractic that focuses on the uppermost area of the spine, known as the upper cervical region. This region includes the two vertebrae located at the base of the skull, called the atlas (C1) and axis (C2).

The upper cervical chiropractor's primary goal is to ensure proper alignment and movement of these vertebrae, as their positioning plays a crucial role in maintaining the overall balance of the spine and the body through their unique relationship with the central nervous system, in particular the brainstem.

You can learn more about the Upper Cervical spine in our blog series here.

1) Precise Adjustments

Upper cervical chiropractors utilise precise adjustment techniques to correct misalignments in the upper cervical spine. It is common to receive one precise adjustment in your C1 or your C2, which typically involves the application of a small, quick pressure in a very specific place and direction.

This one precise adjustment is enough to allow the body to return to normal alignment, resulting in restored normal messaging between the brain and the body. Many people who do not enjoy the idea of big, loud cracking or popping often associated with chiropractic find upper cervical adjustments an easier and more positive experience.

2) Holistic Approach to Health

Instead of only focusing on the area of pain or symptoms Upper Cervical chiropractors take a holistic approach to your body’s healing and health. 

They understand that the body is made up of many interconnected systems, which are all under control of the central nervous system. 

By addressing any interference to the central nervous system, and getting to the root cause of the problem, upper cervical chiropractic care can provide benefits beyond just the spine, back and neck. 

Many clients report improvements in various aspects of their function and health, including sleep quality, immune system function, digestion and overall vitality.

3) Relief from Chronic Conditions

One of the significant benefits of upper cervical chiropractic care is its potential to help the body heal from chronic conditions. Chronic conditions are contributed to when the body is unable to heal itself normally.

Misalignments in the upper cervical spine can disrupt the normal flow of nerve signals throughout the body, which when left uncorrected can lead to reduced healing function and ultimately health issues. 

Conditions such as migraines, vertigo and insomnia, as well as chronic neck pain have been seen to resolve for many clients under upper cervical chiropractic care.


4) Enhanced Nervous System Function

The upper cervical region is home to a complex network of nerves that directly affect the functioning of the central nervous system. Any misalignment in this area can interfere with the communication between the brain, the brainstem and the rest of the body. 

Upper cervical chiropractic care aims to remove this interference and promote optimal nervous system function. This can result in a multitude of changes, including improved coordination, better organ function, and enhanced overall well-being.

Even clients who are symptom-free (think: children) can benefit from maintaining normal function of their central nervous system, as it literally affects every aspect of health, function, and development.

5) Non-Invasive and Drug-Free Approach

Upper cervical chiropractic care provides a non-invasive and drug-free approach to healing. 

Unlike surgical interventions or medications that often carry risks and side effects, upper cervical chiropractors work purely with the natural healing potential of the body. 

By addressing the underlying cause of the problem and promoting self-healing, clients can experience long-term relief without the need for medications or invasive procedures. We often see clients who have been told that surgery is their only option, or have been living on a multitude of pain medications for years. After a course of upper cervical chiropractic they are able to significantly reduce or even eliminate the need for pain medication, and many have avoided surgery altogether.

Upper cervical chiropractic care offers a wide range of benefits, for those with and without current dysfunction, symptoms or pain. To get yourself or your child checked, book in as a new client here.

If you would like to discuss your specific needs and explore the potential benefits that this specialised form of care can offer you, book a complimentary 15 min phone consultation with Sophie Anderson.




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