How KOEO Helps You Stop Migraines Forever

At KOEO, we understand the toll migraines can take on your well-being, and we're committed to helping you find lasting relief. Our unique approach combines various natural therapies to address the root causes of migraines and empower you to stop them forever.

Looking at Root Causes

Migraines can be triggered and contributed to by various factors, one of the core reasons we see regularly that hasn’t been addressed by traditional medicine or chiropractic, is an issue stemming from the Upper Cervical region of the spine. If this is occurring in your body, we believe that correcting it is an essential part of your pathway to stopping migraines for good.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic: Our core treatment is Upper Cervical Chiropractic, which centres on the uppermost vertebrae in the spine. Misalignments in this region can affect the nervous system, leading to migraine triggers. By addressing these misalignments, we enable your nervous system to function correctly, reducing the likelihood of migraine attacks.

Complementary Therapies: In addition to Upper Cervical Chiropractic, we offer a range of complementary therapies to support your journey to migraine-free living:

  • Osteopathy: Our specialised Osteopathy looks at the connection between emotions, organs, and body function, addressing underlying causes of migraines.

  • Acupuncture: Acupuncture is used in conjunction with Upper Cervical Chiropractic to support the body and nervous system in returning to balance.

  • Therapeutic Massage: Our highly trained therapists use therapeutic massage to release tension and support nervous system function.

A Holistic Approach

At KOEO, we take a holistic approach to migraine management. We believe that focusing on the root causes and enabling your body to regain balance is the most effective way to stop migraines forever without the need for medications. Our therapies offer a path to a migraine-free life, allowing you to regain control and enjoy better health and well-being.


Stop Migraines Forever - Book your complimentary phone consultation now.

Find out if Upper Cervical Chiropractic could be a solution for your migraines. Book your complimentary phone consultation now.




Why Choose a Natural Solution for Headache?


Understanding Migraines: Causes, Symptoms, and Natural Treatments