Pregnancy Wellness: 5 Indicators You Need Chiropractic Support

Being pregnant can take a toll on your body. Many women experience discomfort and pain during pregnancy, which can be significantly helped with chiropractic care. For those women looking to enhance their overall wellness during pregnancy, chiropractic can also play an important and often unknown role.

Here are five indicators that suggest you might benefit from the support of a pregnancy chiropractor:

1. Persistent Back Pain: One of the most common complaints during pregnancy is back pain, especially in the lower region. As the baby grows, the body undergoes various changes including a change in the centre of gravity, an expansion of the ribcage, an opening and expansion of the abdomen and all its surrounding muscles and ligaments, changes in the pelvic diaphragm (also known as the pelvic floor). These changes often result in misalignments in the spine, and pelvis, leading to discomfort. A pregnancy chiropractor can address these misalignments, providing relief and restoring balance.

2. Pelvic or Pubic Symphysis Discomfort: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can impact the ligaments in the pelvic area, causing instability and discomfort either in the posterior or anterior part of your pelvis or groin. Chiropractic adjustments can help in maintaining pelvic alignment, reducing strain on ligaments, and easing pelvic pain.

3. Sciatica Symptoms: Sciatica, characterised by pain radiating along the sciatic nerve which travels from the low spine, into the buttock and down the leg, is not uncommon during pregnancy. The sciatic nerve can be bothered by extra strain or pressure on the low spine, leading to pain and/or numbness or other sensory disturbances along where the nerve travels.

There can also be a ‘pseudo-sciatica’ where different muscles become tighter and squeeze the nerve Gentle chiropractic adjustments can alleviate the pressure on the nerve, providing relief from sciatica symptoms.

4. Optimal Fetal Positioning: Chiropractors trained in pregnancy care can also offer techniques to optimise the baby's position for birth. Adjustments can help create more space in the pelvis, reducing the likelihood of breech or posterior positions, potentially easing the birthing process.

One particular technique that is widely used by pregnancy chiropractors is the Webster technique. This focuses on very gentle adjustments and releases of specific ligaments and muscles in and around the pelvis and diaphragm.

There are many case studies where babies have been able to move their position following the mother receiving chiropractic care and the Webster protocol. Its not that the Webster protocol itself can move a baby, however it allows the body and uterus to open up, giving optimal space and opportunity for baby to naturally move itself into an optimal head-down position.

5. You’re Working on Enhancing Your Overall Wellness: Chiropractic care during pregnancy is not just about addressing specific discomforts; it's also about promoting overall wellness. A balanced nervous system ensures that all body systems function optimally, contributing to a healthier pregnancy and potentially an easier labor and delivery.

Choosing chiropractic care during pregnancy is a proactive step toward nurturing both the mother and the developing baby. It's essential to consult with a chiropractor experienced in pregnancy wellness to tailor care to your unique needs and provide a supportive environment for a healthy and comfortable pregnancy journey. If you're experiencing any of these indicators, consider reaching out to a pregnancy chiropractor to explore how chiropractic care can enhance your well-being during this transformative time.




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