Chris’ Story - Anxiety, Poor Sleep Quality + Overall Body Tension

Chris first came to KOEO in November 2022

As a designer who spends 4-10 hours a day working on a computer, Chris had been experiencing a mix of symptoms for a long time and knew it was time to take care of his body. When his partner referred him to our office in November 2022, he shared about his variety of issues, including a stiff neck, jaw tension, tinnitus, difficulty sleeping, low energy and left knee pain. He also noted a general feeling that his body was not well-aligned.

Chris had been feeling this way for as long as he could remember, and had tried various approaches to help, including massage, acupuncture, dietary changes, and pain relief medications. Chris responded well to his early adjustments, and we were able to reduce the number of visits in his initial intensive phase. 

Focus on Upper Cervical Care

Throughout his course of care, we focused on removing interference to his nervous system through Upper Cervical Chiropractic, allowing his body and nervous system to return to a normal state of ease and function. The Upper Cervical region controls everything from our body’s alignment to tension, sleep, digestion, and healing. If you want to learn more about Upper Cervical care, click on the button below.

Results so far - February 2023

By his second change evaluation session in March 2023, Chris had experienced significant improvements in his overall health and well-being. He noted that overall, his body was feeling very different, with no more neck tension, knee pain, and dramatically reduced jaw tension. He reported that his sleep had improved from 4/10 to 8/10, with easier falling asleep, staying asleep, and waking up feeling more refreshed. Additionally, he had been feeling much less stressed, less anxious, and more calm throughout the day; the flustered feeling had disappeared.


One important area that did not change for Chris was his tinnitus. It's important to highlight that many clients turn to Upper Cervical care for tinnitus relief, and while some clients experience excellent changes in their tinnitus, others do not.

Bonus things that improved

In addition to the issues that were initially bothering him, Chris also noticed improvements in extra areas of his health and life, including improvements in his digestion, ability to focus, and reduced clumsiness and increased balance. Most excitingly, Chris reported feeling more connected to himself and his body!

At KOEO, we're passionate about helping our clients have a nervous system that's free from interference so that their body's innate intelligence can do its magic.

There's nothing I love more than when a client tells me they're feeling more connected to themselves - that's where the real power lies. 

If you're experiencing issues that are affecting your quality of life, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with us today. Let us help you get back to feeling your best.

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