Diet and Migraines: What You Need to Know

Migraines can be more than just painful headaches. They disrupt lives, bring work to a halt, and often leave people searching for answers. While migraines have various triggers, some are dietary in nature. Understanding these triggers and how they relate to your nervous system is a crucial step towards managing your migraines.

There’s a huge difference between a migraine-free existence achieved through the elimination of all triggers and one where a resilient nervous system can adapt to and overcome these triggers. In the latter scenario, even indulging in that tempting piece of chocolate doesn't lead to a migraine. Yay!

At KOEO, we focus on enabling your nervous system to function properly, reducing its sensitivity to these triggers, and promoting healthy eating habits to minimise stress on the nervous system which can have far reaching affects for your overall wellbeing.

Common Dietary Triggers for Migraines

Certain foods and beverages are known to be common migraine triggers for some individuals. These triggers can vary from person to person, but some well-documented ones include:

  1. Caffeine: While caffeine withdrawal can trigger migraines, overconsumption of caffeine can also be a trigger. Finding the right balance is key.

  2. Alcohol: Red wine, beer, and spirits can trigger migraines due to various compounds, including histamines and tannins.

  3. Sugars: Excessive consumption of refined sugars and high-glycemic foods can lead to rapid blood sugar spikes and crashes, which may trigger migraines.

  4. Artificial Sweeteners: Some people are sensitive to artificial sweeteners like aspartame, which can trigger migraines in susceptible individuals.

  5. Processed Foods: Highly processed and fast foods often contain additives, preservatives, and flavour enhancers that can act as migraine triggers.

  6. Tyramine-Containing Foods: Aged cheeses, processed meats, and certain fermented or pickled foods are high in tyramine, which can trigger migraines in some people.

  7. Chocolate: While not a trigger for everyone, chocolate contains caffeine and other compounds that may trigger migraines in susceptible individuals.

The KOEO Approach to Your Diet and Migraines

At KOEO, our approach to migraine management stands out for its emphasis on addressing the underlying causes rather than imposing strict dietary eliminations. Instead of advocating for the removal of specific trigger foods, we prioritise the restoration of your nervous system's proper function. By resolving issues within your nervous system, we work towards reducing its hypersensitivity to migraine triggers, dietary or otherwise. Our ultimate goal is to empower you to enjoy a more varied and less restricted diet without the constant fear of triggering a migraine.

By delving into the root causes of your migraines, often linked to nervous system issues stemming from misalignments in the upper cervical spine, we enable you to include these so-called 'trigger' foods in your diet. We firmly believe that merely restricting your diet and eliminating trigger foods does not constitute a true healing process. Rather, it serves as a temporary solution to manage symptoms in the short term. Our approach is centred on achieving long-term solutions that provide lasting relief from migraines and the freedom to enjoy the foods you love without fear.

Creating Healthy Eating Habits

In addition to addressing the nervous system, we encourage healthy eating habits that minimise stress on the body, and are less likely to encourage sympathetic dominance in your nervous system. This approach is beneficial not only for migraine sufferers but for anyone seeking to improve their overall health.

When we ingest substances that promote the 'fight or flight' or 'survival' response in our bodies, it diverts energy and attention away from our body's natural healing processes. To facilitate healing, our nervous system must transition out of this 'survival' mode. The greater the number of substances we consume that induce or reinforce this survival response in our body, the more challenging it becomes for the body to regain its natural equilibrium and put an end to migraines, or any other health issues.

Key practices include:

  1. Reducing Stressors: Caffeine, alcohol, and refined sugars can send the nervous system into more of the stress response, or ‘fight or flight’. Ever had one too many coffees and felt your heart-racing, or your palms sweaty? Yep, thats your sympathetic nervous system.

  2. Supportive Foods: Increasing your intake of vegetables and leafy greens, aiming to "eat the rainbow" with a variety of colourful produce, and opting for unprocessed, natural foods can provide vital nutrients for overall well-being. All healing and restoration in our body is done through the building blocks that we ingest through our food - choosing supportive foods aids our body and nervous system to heal as its designed to.

  3. Hydration: Proper hydration is essential. Dehydration can exacerbate migraine symptoms, so make water consumption a priority. Additionally, staying hydrated through foods which help our cells to absorb hydration easier helps them to function better. Great examples are high-hydration foods are citrus fruits, cucumber and watermelon.

  4. Balanced Eating: Focusing on regular, balanced meals can help stabilise blood sugar levels and reduce the likelihood of migraines triggered by dramatic fluctuations.

While dietary triggers are just one aspect of managing migraines, understanding their relationship with your nervous system is a critical step.

At KOEO, we're here to help you find relief by enabling your nervous system to function properly, thereby reducing its sensitivity to these triggers. Our advice for anyone dealing with migraines or seeking improved health is to cultivate healthy eating habits, and get your nervous system and upper cervical spine checked by an Upper Cervical Chiropractor.

By reducing stressors on the nervous system, focusing on supportive foods, and having a fully functioning nervous system you can create an environment where migraines become less frequent and less severe, allowing you to regain control of your life.


Ready to Find Migraine Relief? Book Your Complimentary Phone Consultation Today.

If you've been seeking a natural and lasting solution to your migraines, it's time to take the next step. We invite you to book a complimentary consultation at KOEO to explore whether Upper Cervical Chiropractic and our comprehensive alternative migraine treatment program are the right fit for you.




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