Stress and Migraines: Understanding the Connection

Migraines are not just severe headaches; they are complex neurological events that can disrupt lives and leave individuals searching for answers. While there are numerous factors that can trigger migraines, the connection between stress and migraines is well-documented.

At KOEO, we explore this link and offer a unique perspective on the role of the nervous system in migraine management.

The Nervous System's Dual Role

Our nervous system plays a vital role in regulating the majority of our bodily functions. It is divided into two main branches: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. These two systems are responsible for orchestrating our body's responses to different situations.

  1. Sympathetic Nervous System: Often referred to as the "fight, flight or freeze" system, the sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for action. It increases heart rate, releases stress hormones like adrenaline, and cortisol, and redirects blood flow to the muscles to help us respond to perceived threats. We need this side of our nervous system to wake us up in the morning and get ready for that early morning meeting, just as much as we need it in a true ‘survival’ situation.

  2. Parasympathetic Nervous System: This is the counterpart to the sympathetic system and is often referred to as the "rest and digest" system. It helps the body to relax, slows heart rate, conserves energy, and directs blood flow toward digestion and recovery. It allows you to get deep restorative sleep, heal injuries and regenerate or repair cells, and contributes to our body’s sense of safety. One of the main parasympathetic nerves in your body, that you may have heard of, is your vagus nerve which originates in your brainstem and travels through your upper cervical region to your body.

The balance between these two systems is crucial for our overall well-being. When the sympathetic nervous system dominates for extended periods, it can lead to a whole plethora of stress-related health issues, including migraines.

The Stress-Migraine Connection

Chronic stress can lead to an overactive sympathetic nervous system. When the body is in a constant state of alert or survival, it can disrupt various bodily functions, including the constriction and dilation of blood vessels. This vascular instability can trigger migraine attacks, as changes in blood flow are a common migraine trigger.

At KOEO, we've observed that many of our migraine clients have an overactive sympathetic nervous system. Furthermore, they often exhibit a misalignment or subluxation in the upper cervical region of the spine. This specific area plays a critical role in regulating the communication between the nervous system and the rest of the body. Once under care, the nervous system balance improves and our clients exhibit less of the signs of dominant sympathetics.

Addressing the Root Cause

Our approach at KOEO goes beyond symptom management. We focus on the root cause of the problem, aiming to restore the balance in the nervous system and body. By addressing subluxations in the upper cervical region, we empower the body to regulate the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems properly.

Without addressing the upper cervical region in clients with migraines, it can be challenging for their nervous systems and bodies to return to balance. The nervous system's overactivity persists, and one of the side effects can be migraines.

An interesting example we see is that many clients come to us having done all the ‘right’ things for managing their stress and creating a healthy lifestyle. They exercise, eat well, take time to rest, even meditate and spend time with loved ones yet their migraines and signs of an imbalanced nervous system continue. Once we start to correct the upper cervical misalignment its like the missing puzzle piece and their nervous system, and their symptoms, begin to change.

Conclusion: A Holistic Approach to Migraine Management

Migraines are often the result of a complex interplay between various factors, and stress is a significant contributor. At KOEO, we recognise the importance of a balanced nervous system in managing migraines. By addressing the root cause and enabling the nervous system to function correctly, we empower individuals to find relief from their migraines and regain control over their lives. Stress and migraines may be linked, but with the right approach, it's possible to break this connection and embark on a path to lasting relief.


Get to the root of your migraines - First Step: Book your complimentary phone consultation now.

We invite you to book a complimentary consultation at KOEO to explore whether Upper Cervical Chiropractic is the right fit for you.




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